Don’t miss the latest!

New York Thruway Issues 7,301 Tickets in Q4 CV Crackdown
Enforcement Focused on Reducing Overheight Truck Hits on 1950s Bridges

State Trucking Groups Tout CARB Retreat, Continue Fight
Industry Cites Cost, Feasibility Concerns With Ongoing Clean Trucks Rule

Diesel Price Jumps 11.3¢ to $3.715 a Gallon
Increase Marks the Largest Gain Since 13.9¢ Surge in August 2023

Truck Makers Gear Up for Second-Half Start to Pre-Buy
State of Economy, Policy Changes to Dictate Pace of Purchases

Trump Sworn in as 47th President After Historic Comeback
Inauguration Marks GOP Control and Sweeping Policy Changes
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